AddyHart Wins Decision at PTAB for Gebo Cermex Upholding Patent for Accumulation Table Used in Conveyor Systems, Board Denies IPR

Chicago-based intellectual property litigation firm AddyHart P.C. today learned that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) of the US Patent and Trademark Office has decided in favor of its client, Atlanta, Ga.-based Gebo Cermex USA and Gebo Packaging Solutions France S.A.S. (“Gebo”), denying a petition to institute inter partes review (IPR) of Gebo’s patent…

Meredith Addy Again Honored for Excellence in IP Law by Chambers USA, Ranking in Band 1 for IP Law in Illinois, Only Woman So Ranked

Meredith “Mimi” Addy, co-founder and partner of boutique intellectual property law firm AddyHart P.C. in Chicago, Ill., is again this year listed in Band 1 of the 2020 Chambers USA rankings for Intellectual Property in Illinois, Chambers’ highest possible designation, and is for the second year in a row the only female attorney ranked in Chambers…

Triple T Enterprises Sues KFC for Trademark Infringement under Lanham Act, Taps IP Litigation Firm AddyHart P.C. for Case in U.S. District Court

Jan. 2, 2020 – Chicago, Ill.-based intellectual property law firm AddyHart P.C. has filed suit in U.S. District Court in Idaho on behalf of Boise-based Triple T Enterprises (“Triple T”) against fast-food company KFC, alleging that KFC has willfully infringed Triple T”s SMOKY MOUNTAIN trademarks. Triple T owns the Smoky Mountain Pizzeria Grill brand and…

Addy, Knowles File Amicus Brief on Behalf of Freenome, New Cures for Cancers to Support Petition for Cert. in Athena v. Mayo

In 2019, 1.7 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer. More than a third of these patients will succumb to the disease. Committed diagnosticians, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies all are fighting to win the war on cancer and save lives, but research into new diagnostics and development of potential cures are…

Experienced Litigators Meredith Addy and Robert Hart Launch AddyHart P.C. as Boutique Litigation and Intellectual Property Law Firm

Experienced patent lawyers and litigators Meredith Martin “Mimi” Addy and Robert P. Hart have co-founded AddyHart P.C. as a boutique law firm focused on serving the varying needs of a range of clients, including intellectual property litigation and other corporate and civil litigation, along with providing counsel on intellectual property law, entertainment law, and corporate…