xcel x-ray

X-Cel-X-Ray Corporation manufactures and sells a complete line of high-frequency and adjustable kVp (peak kilovoltage) x-ray units for podiatristsLIVE SITE www.xcelxray.com Online ecommerce parts catalogue and sales system.

Best Rx

Welcome to BestRx, providing the best pharmacy management systemsLIVE SITE www.pizzapuff.com/ edesign partnered with Robert Viola Partners to create a responsive modern, innovative web site. Custom Vendor Catalogue Shows all of BestRx’s partners and services they offer.

Sudler Chicago

Excellence is HotLIVE SITE www.sudlerchicago.com Understanding the nuance of every address we serve has made us Chicago’s leading residential property management company. edesign partnered with Robert Viola Partners to create a responsive modern, innovative web site. Custom Property Catalogue and tenant/owner support system with predictive search.


Transforming How Health is MeasuredLIVE SITE www.healthmeasures.net/ HealthMeasures consists of four precise, flexible, and comprehensive measurement systems that assess physical, mental, and social health, symptoms, well-being and life satisfaction; along with sensory, motor, and cognitive function. edesign partnered with Robert Viola Partners and DJB Communications to create a responsive modern, innovative web site. Site has…